Archives for #CaliforniaTaxes

Another Fortune 500 Company HQ Leaves California – This Time its Chevron

One of the most prominent American oil companies, Chevron, will relocate the company’s headquarters from San Ramon, Calif., to Houston, Texas, beginning at the end of this year. This was a significant decision considering that in California the company operates crude oil fields, technical facilities, and two refineries and supplies more than 1,800 retail stations. A Wall Street Journal’s editorial asks a question that no Democrat in the state can answer. “Chevron on Friday joined the growing club of California corporations moving to Texas, and the wonder is it took so long. The company has been in the state for
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Another Tech Company HQ Exits California – This Time Orange County to Las Vegas

Over the years, I’ve reported on companies moving their headquarters out of California because of the taxes and regulations imposed by business-hostile Gov. Gavin Newsom and his friends in the legislature, most of whom have never run any company. Their behaviors contribute to unemployment in the state. These political elitists keep their paychecks and benefits, but less privileged workers suffer. While Texas, Tennessee, and Florida are leaders in attracting California company headquarters, Nevada has also been a favorite destination. Examples include moves to Las Vegas by Premier Displays & Exhibits leaving Cypress and Synergy Blue from Palm Desert. Headed for
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Top Ten Reasons Why Companies Are Leaving California

By Joseph Vranich Thirty years ago California was a friendly place to businesses of all types. Today – according to many credible sources – it’s the worst state. To cite just one study, The Hoover Institution found that businesses are leaving the state twice as fast as years prior. Businesses forced to flee are taking revenue, jobs, and opportunities with them. Consider these findings: #1 – Excessively Adversarial: Chief Executive magazine in its Ranking 2023 Best and Worst States for Business reported that companies continue to flee California because the state’s “anti-business policies have been chasing enterprises elsewhere for many
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